Corporate Governance
EV’s corporate governance principles emphasize accountability and reliability to shareholders and stakeholders.
Board of Directors is made up of representatives of all shareholders, a co-appointed Group CEO and independent members.
The Board defines the medium/long-term strategy, the industrial plan and the annual budget for the EV Group.
In terms of corporate governance, the EV Group is headed by its holding company, while the subsidiaries are independent and autonomous in all decisions, acting within the framework of the strategic guidelines set out by holding company.
The principles on which the holding company’s corporate governance system is based also apply to all companies in the EV Group, namely:
- defined, acknowledged and shared values, which are set out in the Code of Ethics
- the central role of the Board of Directors
- the effectiveness and transparency of management decisions
- the adoption of an adequate internal control system
- a proactive risk management system
EV is strongly committed to preventing any cases of bribery and corruption. As such, EV requires each subsidiary to adopt stringent procedures in compliance with national laws and inspired by best practices.
The Board of Directors and the first line of management are the guarantors of these pillars. Openness and communication are key elements of EV management to ensure speed of decision making, strategic and succession planning, fairness and non-discrimination.
231 Model and Code of Ethics
In order to promote good and responsible corporate governance, the Group ensures and requires compliance with all applicable laws, the Code of Ethics, the 231 Organizational Model (Legislative Decree 231/2001) and internal rules and invites its stakeholders to also respect and fully comply with them.
EV Management Team
The EV Management Team – and more broadly the EV Group – is led by the Group’s CEO, Mr. Gabriele Bonomi, who has more than 30 years of experience in the chemical distribution industry, guaranteeing the Group’s high level of competence and reliability.
The Management Team, made up of curious, passionate and motivated women and men who are open to change, oversees the company’s strategy, implementing EV’s innovative vision to become an established international solutions provider in the specialty chemicals and food ingredients industry.